Saturday, January 5, 2013

My BIG decision...And accomplishment...

.... I've really gotten into running! Probably my absolute favorite form of exercise. I put my headphones on, Pandora and just GO! I do almost all of my running outside... On the road and trail! For me this was the most therapeutic, wonderful 'release' from any stress, worry or bad things going on around me. I didn't have to talk to anyone. I could just go. My two feet carrying me down the road. It didn't matter how hot it got(or cold once I got into the colder months)I could have that hour or so to myself.

   I'm talking with a fellow co-worker(who also runs)about a half marathon that she had just signed up for. She had done one other marathon and then had some medical issues which had prevented her from running. So, she was healthy again and ready to run! This really intrigued me... a half marathon? 13.1 miles? Hmm, I really am crazy! The longest distance I had gone was 5 miles and I really struggled with that. The coolest part about this particular run -- it was in Las Vegas!!! The 13.1 miles were on the actual strip of Vegas! I mentioned it to Jake and he thought I was a little nuts for wanting to run that far, let alone go all the way to Vegas to do it. Probably so, a little strange. I couldn't get it off my mind though as a couple of days went by. I thought to myself, I never thought I could run 5 miles. Heck, I could barely make it through 1 mile to begin with. I've come this far why can't I keep going? Another thought that I had about this run was... It's in Vegas! Jake and I had NEVER been on a real trip together. I mean, never. Other than a weekend trip to the lake or down to Oklahoma, we had never been anywhere. My goodness, we have been together for 10 years... It's about time to go somewhere OUTSIDE of Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma! I talked with Jake a little bit more about it and he seemed to be on board with it! So -- I did it! I signed up and paid the entry fee! NO TURNING BACK NOW! I had to train for it. I had to really nail down my diet. I had to prepare myself for this. I wasn't going to waste that money I paid for the entry fee!!! That feeling that I got when I hit that 'submit' button to confirm my registry was unforgettable.

   I talked with a few people that I knew had trained for this type of thing, researched diet plans and running schedules. I decided on a 16 week schedule for myself. August 4, 2012 was my start date. It was go time. My training schedule was a combination of 2-3 runs a week, strength training and other forms for cross-training(hot yoga, spin classes and kick boxing classes). I was so focused! Another cool thing about this trip, my sister and brother-in-law decided to go with us! We decided to make a little mini vacation out of it!!

   I'll fast forward a head some... The count down is on. My training had gone so incredibly well. I was right on track with my schedule and diet. Plus, I was down a total of FORTY FIVE pounds!!! I had lost 45 pounds in less than a year! I was probably in the best shape that I had EVER been in!! I was getting all sorts of words of encouragement. People on Facebook, random texts, phone calls... People asking me for advice(me -- fitness/diet advice -- really?)and asking for my 'secrets'. I'm not going to lie, it was a nice feeling. This is where my want to really help people began to grow. I could help some other mom, woman, whoever really down that road. There were definitely times where I need someone to push me, scream at me, keep me going. I wanted to be that voice for someone else!!

   A little further ahead... We arrived in Vegas! We made it there in one piece and all my running gear in tow! We had that whole Saturday to sight see and what not. The run was the next day at 4:30pm! So, what happens while we are wondering around Vegas? MIGRAINE! -- I randomly get really, really bad migraines. I took what had with me, which was some extra strength Tylenol. Normally I take Excedrin migraine. I knew this wasn't going to make it go away. I kept going though. I had really been looking forward to this health and fitness expo that we got to go to for frree. Plus, that's where I had to pick up my race bib and shoe chip. So, we are there trying to look at everything and I feel like I'm going to die! I tell Jake that we need to get back to the hotel NOW! We got a cab back and this was literally the craziest driver I had ever experienced -- super for the headache! We walk into the lobby of the hotel ... I throw up in my mouth(sorry for the disgusting details)and had to get to the bathroom! Yuck! Finally made it up to the room, threw up a few more times and tried to sleep it off! Now... I'm panicking...  I HAVE TO RUN 13 FREAKING MILES TOMORROW!!!

... Well, I woke up the next morning. I felt great. We went down for breakfast. While down there, I met a mom and daughter who were also there for the race. We had decided to take a cab down to the start line together. I hadn't even thought about this, so meeting them was fabulous! They were shutting down the entire strip at 1pm that day in preparation for this event. So, I was going to have to go down there alone -- not my favorite. We made plans to meet in the lobby at 2:30 to head down there!! ....

 Ok, my nerves are starting to get the best of me. 30 minutes to start time we start to enter our corrals. I'm in corral 3 of 100. I had NEVER in my whole life seen anything like this. So many people, the lights... Holy cow! What have I got myself into? Well, there's no turning back now. We have 5 minutes and we are starting! People are starting to get excited, my stomach is turning... Let's go already!!!!!! As soon as that gun went off... it was on. I had to go. I had a goal time in mind but all I really wanted was to finish without walking....

.... Which is exactly what I did!!! I did it! I ran that whole freaking way! I couldn't believe how awesome I felt! As I crossed that finish line, I really had to hold back from crying. I had done it. All that training, sweat, tears, sacrifice of my time had paid off! I can't even fully explain that feeling that I was experiencing at that moment. My whole body was almost shaking from excitement... And I wasn't even tired!! Now, I had to find my family!!! There were soooo many people and my phone was dying(thank you maids in the hotel for unpplugging it while I left it in the room so it could charge during the day)and I was wandering around through the sea of people!! Finally found them. Ok people, let's go EAT!!!!

   The next morning, I couldn't help but smile. I had really done it. I finished and I didn't walk. In my eyes, I had dominated that half marathon! No, I wasn't the fastest. No, I didn't place. But yes, I had finished. 1 hour, 59 minutes. I had just ran the entire Las Vegas Strip! My Facebook and phone literally had been blowing up. I can't even believe all the kind things people said to me -- thank you to all those people! Also, thank you to my husband, sister and brother-in-law for coming all this way to support me! How awesome!

Well, that's my 'big decision and accomplishment'! I did something that I never in my right mind thought was even possible! Which just goes to say, anything is really possible. It doesn't have to be a half marathon, it can be anything. 3 miles, 6 miles, lose 10 pounds, make it through a fitness class... Whatever your 'goal' is ... don't short yourself because it seems so big and out of reach. You CAN do it! Yes, you will have to work hard. Yes, you will have to be uncomfortable at times. Yes, you will have to push yourself. In doing all of that, I pushed myself harder than I ever had and I made it.

So -- what's your goal? Dreams? What do you want to accomplish? .... Whatever it is... GO DO IT!!!!



1 comment:

  1. Reading this I feel like I was there! Thanks for sharing- I could use some inspiration to get my butt back in shape :) congratulations!!
