Sunday, January 6, 2013

One door closes...

.... And another one opens!!

 You always hear the phrases 'everything happens for a reason' or 'blessing in disguise'... But you never really, really think about it until it happens to you. Well, it happened to me. November 8th, 2012. I was let go from my job of 8 years. I had been there since I was 20 years old. I basically grew up there. I was good at my job, really good but we parted ways. I was mad, pissed, sad, upset. I called Jake from my office and was hysterical. His response... 'Oh well'. Oh well? I just lost my job? Never in my life did I expect this. He just seemed so calm about it. He then told me, I was going to find something that I REALLY wanted to do. Well, this happened to me for a reason...

   I guess you could say this was another 'big' decision on my part. With the help of a friend and talking it over with Jake, I decided to get my personal training certification. It just seemed SO right. I could take my passion for fitness and health and HELP others. Losing my job opened up an opportunity for me to learn something new and experience something I had an absolute passion for. I learned a lot of valuable things, that I was able to take with me. Now I could do something that made so much sense to me.

   I've been doing a lot of research, talking to other trainers and absorbing everything that I can. If I am going to do this, I am going to put in 110%. What have I got to lose, right? Jake and the rest of my family and close friends are offering such much support, words of encouragement and kind thoughts. I really don't think I could do it without them. As annoyed as Jake gets with me over my 'healthy' ways nowadays he really does help me a lot. Which means the absolute world to me. I also have a wonderful sister and friends that have been there for me when I need it the most. They are all helping me turn my negative, unfortunate event into an extremely positive one. I will come out on top.

 .... This is the door that I am opening, my 'blessing in diguise', that fire burning inside me... I will take my passion and help other people. I chose to look at this as an opportunity rather than a massive set back. Sure it seemed bad at the time but really it opened my eyes. So, that's where I stand... Eager and ready to move forward. Here's to closed doors ....



1 comment:

  1. How awesome that another door has already opened up for you? Everything truly happens for a reason. Good Luck on Tuesday!!
